Wednesday, March 21, 2007


And here is it...

At least the trailers, wallpapers and images.

Starring some notable and very likable actors like Rupert Everett, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro, Claire Danes, Peter O'Toole, i simply can't wait for the movie, Stardust by Neil Gaiman to show in August!!!

Yeah yeah yeah!

BTW, the opening of Sandra Lee's 2nd solo exhibition was last night and her art pieces are wonderful. The closer you look, the more you'd get out of it. The details to the art are mesmerising and it is so open to the viewer's interpretation as the themes are universal. You really have to go and check it out (nice reviews here)! The exhibition is now on till 30 April 2007, Level 5, Marina Mandarin Hotel.

The thing is that i got more and more depressed when i saw dots on the art signifying the sale of the pieces. On one hand, i am darn happy for her.. on the other hand.. when will i ever get one to decorate my place?

As the rest of my friends and colleagues who was at the exhibition yesterday... today's 4D day. Buy 4D strike and we'd be getting our fave pieces.

Oh.. and please remind me to get a couple of her catalogue for the legal deposit.

1 comment:

SugarBitz n MilkyBar said...

Am looking forward to this too! Hopefully, its a goodt adaptation...